Are You Living Your Core Values?
“Dedicate yourself to a core set of values. Without them, you will never be able to find personal fulfillment, and you will never be able to lead effectively.” Kenneth Chenault
Do you remember the company Enron? Enron filed for bankruptcy in December 2001, the largest bankruptcy in American corporate history. The scandal tore down "one of the world’s top five accounting firms" which had been in business for nearly 100 years.
Ironically, Enron’s company values were painted on the wall and proudly displayed in its annual report. At the time of the company’s collapse, the core values were Integrity, Communication, Respect, and Excellence. Something went wrong between their actions and their core values. They didn’t line up.
Does your company have core values or a mission statement? Do they follow their core values? Do you show up at work living those corporate core values?
Let’s take it up a notch….what about PERSONAL CORE VALUES? Have you thought about having core values for yourself, your family, and your life?
Your core values are the foundation you stand on and make decisions from and ultimately live by. Core values such as integrity, honesty, trust, loyalty, hard work, self-development, growth mindset, passion, gratefulness, being your best, wisdom, and ...? What would you add? ‘
PERSONAL CORE VALUES keep you on track, just like a GPS system. Ask yourself: What are my values and beliefs in life? Your personal core values motivate your actions and guide you. They weave into your personality and define who you are. Your life is shaped by the personal core values you choose to prioritize and adapt.
I recently read the average adult makes 35,000 decisions per day. Wow! How many of you want to make those decisions with the best intentions partnered with your core values? I've heard it said personal core values operate in the background of our mind to influence our behavior. You need to be intentional when designing your core values because so much depends on them.
How Solid Is Your Foundation?
PERSONAL CORE VALUES are part of your life’s foundation, whether you realize it or not. They are the foundation of what motivates you, guides you, and ultimately how you choose to live your life.
For instance, have you ever wanted to buy a particular car so you start doing your research on it? You know all of the details of this car and before you know it, you are able to spot that same car everywhere. The car is now on your radar because you studied it so much it has been imprinted on your brain.
PERSONAL CORE VALUES function the same way. When you decide on your personal core values and imprint them on your brain, you set yourself up for greater awareness of what you want your life to look like and how you want to show up in it. When you say “yay” or “nay” to a choice or an opportunity, it will be based on your core values.
Do you want to live a more authentic and fulfilling life? Designing personal core values makes it easier to find your passion, make decisions with greater awareness, walk in confidence and navigate challenging situations.
If this is the first time you are creating your core values, no worries, I have you covered. FIRST, start with WHY! What is the “WHY” behind your core values? WHY are these core values important to you? NEXT, look at your HOW! HOW will they show up in your life? HOW will you manifest them in your space? HOW will they impact you and others?
Give yourself time to develop, define and refine your core values. Enjoy the process!
Here are a few more suggestions:
✅Do a brain dump of what you value (honesty, integrity, etc.).
✅Consider the people you admire and why to discover core values.
✅Review your impactful life moments to find core values.
✅What values are important NOW and rate from 1-10?
Different Types of Core Values
You can also design personal core values in different areas of your life. Here are a few ideas for you to consider as you explore your personal core values.
Core Values for Behavior and Traits: Compassion, authenticity, humor, integrity, steadfastness.
Core Values About Rights / Causes That Matter To You: Human rights, justice, philanthropy, community involvement.
Core Values About Life: Work-life balance, trust, mindset, and boundaries.
Core Value Regarding Profession: Collaborative, attention to detail, overcoming setbacks, accountability, and teamwork.
THIS I KNOW: Creating and designing your personal core values is a game changer. As you design them, imprint them on your mindset, and live them, you will see a difference in how you approach the day, circumstances, and those life-happen moments. Let me leave you with this: Tony Robbins shares five questions he went through to evaluate and re-design his value hierarchy so that he could create and shape his ultimate destiny…here they are:
🔸What do my values need to be to create my ultimate destiny, be the best person I could possibly be, and have the largest impact in my lifetime?
🔸What other values would I need to add?
🔸What values should I eliminate from my list in order to achieve my ultimate destiny?
🔸What benefit do I get by having this value in this position on my hierarchy?
🔸In what order do my values need to be to achieve my ultimate destiny?
Here are a couple of scriptures that capture the essence of living your personal core values.
Matthew 22:37: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”
Micah 6:8: - “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”