Be Your #1 Fan!

“Live as though life was created for you,” Maya Angelou


Have you ever noticed that when you are at a sporting event, it doesn't take much "intention" to celebrate your favorite athlete or team, does it? You hoot and holler when there is a touchdown, a 3-point shot, or a world record being broken. You believe in them, you enjoy watching their success, you know what they can accomplish, and you are a FAN!

What if you put that same attention and celebratory mindset into YOU each day? How? You have to be INTENTIONAL about it. I am not asking you to start shouting at work when you meet your sales goal, but you can hoot and holler when you get home!

This celebratory mindset is not passive.  It will require you to be intentional about partnering with yourself... celebrating yourself. You can't think your way into the mindset, you must act your way there.

Do you feel if you took the time to celebrate YOU it would be prideful, uncomfortable, or fall under the category of vanity?  Those are just a few self-limiting beliefs that need to be shed so that you can celebrate YOU. 

What do you already appreciate about yourself?
What is good in your life right now?
What is one "ordinary-but-fulfilling moment?"?
What is good in your life right now?

Today, are you open to being intentional in stepping into your space with one less self-limiting belief? 

Look in the mirror and give yourself a “high five - “Dr. Daniel Amen, one of the world’s leading experts on brain health, said, “The High 5 Habit boosts your mood, confidence, and energy because your brain gets a drip of dopamine with every high five.” This is why you can switch your mood from “Yuck” to “WOW” in seconds. Think about what a “high five” means to you.  “You’ve got this,” “I believe in you,” “Go for it.” So when you raise your hand to the mirror and give yourself a “high five,” it is one of the fastest ways to create new neural pathways associated with your reflection. Conversely, if you fail to celebrate your accomplishments, you are inadvertently training your brain that what you are doing today isn't exciting or important. This can lead to feelings of emptiness that will have a negative effect overall.

How Can You Celebrate Yourself Each Day?

What did you achieve today?

Hit pause and be grateful

What are your gifts and talents?

How are you accomplishing your purpose?

Where did you find joy today?

When you take the time to celebrate YOU, it builds your growth mindset of gratitude.  When you savor these precious moments, you are incorporating an attitude of gratitude, and that my friend, is a beautiful gift to give yourself and to others. 

Ordinary is Extraordinary - Don’t compare your life to someone else’s highlight reel.  There is a lot to say about that, especially on social media.  We think every day has to be a mountain top experience.  Ronald Siegel, PsyD in The Extraordinary Gift of Being Ordinary suggests an alternative path that's all about embracing every ordinary-but-fulfilling moment of the life you have right now.”

Build Your Muscle of Confidence -Celebrating YOU builds your muscle called “confidence.”  The more you celebrate YOU each day (in small or big things), you become more confident. When you take time to celebrate the small and big returns in your life, you are reminding yourself to enjoy the journey.  Your mindset will learn to hit pause to celebrate YOU at those moments versus the old you that would fail to stop and smell the roses.  The more you do this, those times when something doesn’t turn out the way you thought or planned, you will still be confident in yourself, your gifts, your talents, your decisions, your overall choices…. which means you won’t give up!

Do What’s Person-Appropriate (Not Age Appropriate) - Michael Clinton, the former president, and publishing director of Hearst says, “Think person-appropriate, instead of age-appropriate.” So often we define what someone should or shouldn’t do based on age, but we really should be focusing on who we are as a person. Don’t let age decide your next celebratory step, let YOU decide!

You Are Enough!  Yes, you are enough so CELEBRATE!  You just need to know it and believe it!  Allow your confidence, your sense of knowing that better days are ahead, to be at the forefront of your mindset. Tomorrow is never promised, so RIGHT NOW embrace today and choose to CELEBRATE YOU no matter your age or what stage of life you are in… CELEBRATE YOU and become your #1 FAN!

If you would like to explore more about “you are enough” check out my blog: YOU ARE


Raise Your Hand If You Want To Get Out of Your Funk
