How To Face The Giants In Your Life and Make Them Work For You
“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome,” — Booker T. Washington
When you hear the word GIANT, what comes to mind? A story from your childhood? A word you use to describe an obstacle in your life. It means something different for all of us. I believe a giant can be something visible and invisible. Sometimes it is a true obstacle we are facing in the real world (like a divorce) and other times it is a feeling, memory or mindset we are carrying around on the inside.
What are some giants that we face in life? The list is endless because it shows up differently in each one of us. Giants can be pride, anger, self-limiting beliefs, fear, hurt, anxiety, missed opportunities, divorce, single parenting, loss of a loved one, job loss, living paycheck to paycheck, job promotions, change, age discrimination, someone bullying you, buying a new home, etc. Giants can affect your mindset, feelings and responses.
Giants don’t always have to be interpreted as something bad. Buying a home is awesome, but can feel overwhelming. It can grow into a giant and deter us to make that purchase or we can utilize that fear or worry (giant) and continue to move forward with the purchase. Giants can appear in ALL situations. We have a choice to take those giants, work through them to come out stronger, more confident and put ourselves into a healthier mindset on the other side of the giant. The positive on the other side of the giant can be life changing.
When the giant shows up in your life, do you sense a shift? A shift in your mindset, emotions or actions? One way to quickly identify any giant in your life is to ask yourself some questions: “Why am I feeling or reacting this way?” “Why is it here?” “What do I need to do about it?” and, “How can I use this to make me a better person?” These questions can help you identify what is going on in and around you, understand it, put it in its proper perspective and grow through it. A giant can be used to your advantage if you approach it as a set up for success and not a setback.
"A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step." —Lao Tzu
How To Motivate Yourself and Conquer the Giants
What can we learn from the bible story of the shepherd boy, David and the giant, Goliath? (I Samuel 17)
“Then he (David) took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine (Goliath) … As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him… Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he (Goliath) fell face down on the ground …So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.”
1. Prepare Yourself Ahead of Time- We have old habits and patterns that we need to shed so that we can face the giants, grow from them and move forward. If your habit is to retreat or shut down (been there and done that), create a plan to prepare yourself. Have a couple of pre-planned action steps or thoughts you can have ready prior to the giants of feelings, thoughts and actions showing up.
2. Face the Giants - When you’re facing a challenge, do you run from it? Ignoring a problem will never make it go away or lessen the intensity, so find ways to face it. Sometimes you don’t get to pick the place or the timing of when the giant will show up. You do this by deciding to deal with the challenges as they show up. With each experience of growing and overcoming the giant, you bring those experiences and victories with you to the next challenge. You build a pattern of facing the giants.
3. Mindset Reset - Instead of letting the negative feelings and thoughts dictate the situation, decide to change your mindset. For instance, you can say: “I will use this situation for my benefit to learn and to grow.” “This giant doesn’t mean that something is wrong with me.” “I will use this to propel me forward.” Get rid of those limiting beliefs and old mindsets that don’t work for you.
4. Play Up Your Strengths - While facing the giants, focus on your strengths. You are not ignoring the lessons you can learn at this time, but you can partner those lessons with your strengths and see how much you can grow and keep moving forward at the same.
5. Use What You Already Have - Start where you are, with what you have, in this moment. What do you have today around you or in you (gifts, talents, creativity, education, hobbies, knowledge)? For instance, in the biblical story above with David and Goliath. David chose five smooth stones and his sling to conquer the giant. He didn’t choose someone else’s weapon; he chose what he knew would work for him. David activated what he knew would empower him to slay the giant...and he did.
President Theodore Roosevelt — “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
1. You will be able to appreciate and focus on what matters to you
2. You will freely and confidently step out of your comfort zone
3. Your confidence will soar
4. You will find your passion and find your why
6. You will see yourself accomplishing more goals on every level
FACING THE GIANTS - How can you leverage a giant in your life (stress, past pain, unemployment, self-limiting beliefs, etc.)? Once you identify it and put a name on it, there is your freedom. I have heard it said “the truth will set you free” and it does. I want to encourage you to face and lean into the thoughts and feelings of those giants. Some giants have been with us for decades, and some rise up when we have to pivot or make a change. Let’s change those patterns!
Once you know what giant you are dealing with, you can start taking control of it and take back your freedom, peace and joy. I truly did not know that I was under the giant of self-limiting beliefs for years…for decades. Several years ago, through the teachings of Mel Robbins, I finally had a name to this huge cloud over me. It was freeing and provided me with the courage and strength to unpack it and put it in its place and I kicked it down the road.
Be encouraged my friend…facing the giants in your life can work for you and not against you.
“Seize every opportunity along the way, for how sad it would be if the road you chose became the road not taken.” -Robert Brault