If You Don’t Like Your Story, Change Your Narrative and Change Your Life!


 “We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.” – Tony Robbins


Have you ever said to yourself, “how did I get here?”  “My life has not turned out the way I had thought.”  “There must be something more out there.” “I feel like I need to pivot and move in a new direction.”


Let’s start tackling those narratives we have been thinking and saying about ourselves. Let’s change the script which changes the story. 

Recently, I read in Jeremiah 18: 3-4 (AMP) about the potter and the clay.   “Then I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw that he was working at the wheel. But the vessel that he was making from clay was spoiled by the potter’s hand; so he made it over, REWORKING it and making it into ANOTHER pot that SEEMED GOOD to him.”

If the narrative in your mind is keeping you from moving forward, change it.  Just like the potter and the clay, if you don’t like the outcome, change it…do a “do over.”  It starts with your mindset, then a goal/plan and then action.  The good news….it doesn’t have to happen all at once.

By changing our mindset on how we look at things, we CAN change the outcome over time…one step at a time. What is the narrative in your mind?  “You can’t do this” “You’ve made too many mistakes” “You will never get to the level you want to be” and so on. You are ONE DECISION away from a better MINDSET and a better LIFE. 


Your past, present, and future are all happening right now—at least in your mind.  BE LIKE THE POTTER WITH THE CLAY… CHANGE THE NARRATIVE!  Your life story is more about how you integrate the facts and events which have occurred, the way you make sense out of them and how you allow them to show up in your space each day.


Do you want to keep the narrative or change it?  Is the narrative working for you?  Why do you want to change it? What is your purpose? What do you want to accomplish?


When you answer those questions, go back to the potter’s wheel, rework the narrative and see what new things come from it!  What can you put on the potter’s wheel and create something new from it?

Do you have a desire to change your life?  Just because you want to change it doesn’t mean it is bad or horrible.  Perhaps you have exhausted your current opportunities and you need to look for new and creative ones.  Do your gifts and talents need to pivot into a new direction?  Is it time to walk in a new direction because you are in a new chapter of your life? Be the potter with the clay and shape it into what you want today.


I will be an empty nester in several months.  I am not waiting until the last moment to decide what I want to do.  I am designing my next chapter…my pivot. I am working now on changing the narrative.  The last 20 years have been great, but it is time to pivot.  It is time to go in a new direction.  It is all good!


Signs It Is Time To Change The Narrative


1.   Your Story Is Not Serving You

2.   You Are Entering A New Chapter

3.   You Feel Restless

4.   You Are Holding Yourself Back

5.   Perfectionism Is Holding You Back

6.   You Need To Reset Your Mindset

7.   Self-Limiting Beliefs

Three Simple Steps to Rewrite Your Narrative and Be Like the Potter with the Clay

Stop the Madness – start taking notice of the thoughts and stories you are telling yourself.  Start catching yourself when you are being critical, doubtful or selling yourself short.  Then cancel it with an uplifting and positive word or direction you can focus on.

Step Out with the New You – start walking out your new thoughts and new narrative.  Breathe it, believe it and it will become one with you.

Create a Growth Mindset – keep moving forward in your new mindset and narrative.  Keep developing it, challenging yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone.

Tony Robbins, “Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it’s who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, which can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.”

Tony Robbins, “Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it’s who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, which can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.”


You are the narrator of your narrative. It starts with you and your mindset. What are you saying and thinking about you and your life? If it is working against you and not building you up, change you and then change the narrative. You have the power, resources and the WILL to do it. Be like the potter in the scripture listed above. Don’t be afraid to do a “do over” or change the narrative. The new outcome could be even better than you imagined…just like what happened to the potter.

The single biggest predictor for all these events is not the facts of your situation, but the story you tell. Your life story doesn’t just say what happened to you, but it tells others why it was important, what the story means to you, who is the person who emerged from it and … what is the rest of your story! I believe that changing the story and narrative is a good thing …. and it is part of us evolving as a person. It will happen many times throughout your life…. so enjoy the journey, start designing your life and create the best story and narrative possible for YOU! Be like the potter with the clay. You deserve it.



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