It Is A New Day…Create Your Tribe!
“We cannot become what we need by remaining what we are,” – John Maxwell
If you could create the perfect group of people around you to inspire you, encourage you, be a sounding board and just be there for you… what would that look like? Your TRIBE? Who do you want around you a year from now? Your TRIBE?
It has been said that we all need “a people” or a TRIBE in our life for joy, direction, affirmation, belonging, meaning, relationships, and purpose. By creating your personal and/or professional TRIBE, you are creating a space for you to become the best version of you.
A TRIBE is referring to a close-knit group of people that accept one another, support each other, and have each other’s backs when we are in times of need or weakness. TRIBE may also be known as a “community,” a “family,” or “a close group of friends.” Just use the word that resonates with you. Your TRIBE is headed in the same direction in life with similar goals and passions. So, start today thinking about what that looks like for you.
We all need a group of people that accepts us, supports us in time of need, and shares the joys of life with us. This is an essential source of our happiness and meaning in life. Even the most introverted person has a need for a TRIBE.
For example, several times I have heard Tim Tebow talk about a group of people that he turns to when he needs advice, direction, prayer and support. It is automatic for him. Even if they have a different opinion than him, he respects it because he knows they have his best interest at heart. He has created his own TRIBE.
When creating your TRIBE, think down the road…. who are the people you want around you? It may be people you currently know, people from your past or people you will soon meet. Who pushes you to be the best version of you? Who cheers you on and celebrates your victories? Is there someone you can say anything to without fear of being judged? Where do you go for advice, to vent your frustrations or share your challenges?
Your answers to these questions can help you build your TRIBE.
Your TRIBE provides you the opportunity to learn from others’ accomplishments and mistakes. You might do your best thinking alone, but with a TRIBE, you have a sounding board. It’s possible to run ideas by multiple people and get many points of view.
You may say, “I already have friends” so do I still need a TRIBE? It depends. Your friends may know you in a certain environment. They may know you as of today or how you have been in the past. They may find it challenging to see you evolving when they are not. If so, that is okay. Create your TRIBE and keep your friends as friends.
Remember it is your TRIBE you are creating!
START BY LOOKING AROUND YOU. Who is in your life right now? Do you want to add them to your TRIBE? Family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers. Remember, sometimes your TRIBE ends up choosing you. So be open.
DEFINE WHO YOU ARE. Before you can develop your TRIBE, take the time to know you. Become comfortable with yourself and from there you will attract people that best match your ideals and who are interested in knowing you. Don’t change yourself to fit a model; be yourself and become your own model.
WHAT DO YOU NEED? Not everyone will be a good fit for your TRIBE… no problem. What qualities are you looking for to join this TRIBE? Are you looking for a good listener? Are you seeking knowledge to move your career or hobby or other ambitions to the next level?
STEP OUT OF THE BOAT. Be open to different people becoming part of your TRIBE. Move out of your comfort zone. Remember, even though friendships are usually built on similar values, many times opposites attract.
EXPLORE ONLINE GROUPS. Your TRIBE may be congregating in digital groups via the internet. Don’t hesitate to reach out to individuals that inspire you online. Join a group online that is of interest to you.
HAVE FUN. Have an open mind when discovering new groups, cultures, and people. Your TRIBE may be on the other side of the world or right next door. Enjoy your journey.
Where Can You Find Your TRIBE?
Mastermind Groups
Friends from the past and from today
Groups who are like you and not like you
Professional groups, hobbies or educational classes
Your most authentic TRIBE will be an asset to the person you are today and the person you are becoming. Stay true to yourself and go find your TRIBE! Lastly, everything you need from your TRIBE, remember to put that same energy back into your TRIBE to bless others.