“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” — Brad Paisley
The year 2022 is now officially in “the books.” PAUSE…before you dive into 2023, let’s take a few moments to reflect on 2022. I am not sure how you would describe your 2022, but remember this: many seeds of decisions, actions, and plans that were planted in 2022 will be watered in 2023. Many seeds that were watered in 2022 will now bring forth your harvest into 2023. So, even though the YEAR 2022 is over, don’t be surprised if you see blessings and remnants of 2022 showing up in 2023 ….because the best is yet to come!
1. What were some of your greatest achievements and challenges in 2022?
2. What lessons came out of 2022?
3. Would you have done anything differently in 2022 and why?
4. What will you take with you (i.e. lessons learned, etc.) from 2022 into 2023?
5. Celebrate your wins of 2022!
Now that you have taken the time to reflect on 2022, you are ready to lay the groundwork for 2023. THOUGHTS TO PONDER FOR 2023: What would you like to: experience…succeed at…develop on a relational, financial, spiritual, and/or personal level in 2023, and WHY?
“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” —J.P. Morgan
Do You Want To Build A Bridge in 2023?
Has anyone asked you yet, “what is your WORD for 2023?” What does that mean and why is having a WORD or phrase for the year so powerful to incorporate into every area of your life?
📚The WORD you choose for the year will ground you (anchor you). It becomes a compass for you, your vision, and your goals. It keeps you moving in “your” right direction, even if the path changes, doors open and close, and people come and go. When it is time to make a decision or take action, all you have to do is intentionally take your power WORD and say “does this next step align with my WORD and take me to where I want to go and experience this year?”
📚Your WORD becomes the bridge to intentionally align your decisions and day-to-day actions with your purpose and mission in life. Your brain will start filtering out the things that will interfere with your WORD and destiny. Thus, you start building your bridge for 2023 to take you into your future.
If you want to learn more about the power of your words, go to Abracadabra
Have you ever had a “memory” photo show up on your phone or Facebook? It triggers a special memory, right? You remember the feelings or the details of that “memory” photo. You can also create memorable moments all thru 2023!
Start with a mason jar or any jar and some post-it notes. Each week write down unique events, opportunities you had, answered prayers, and answered goals, (big or small), and then put them into the jar. You are now recording your life moments.
Then on New Year’s Eve 2023, you can pull out those pieces of paper and read each one and relive your memorable moments of 2023.
This is a great tool you can use with your team at work, your children, and others. Watch as a big smile graces your face as you remember all that you accomplished during 2023!
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." —Ralph Waldo Emerson
THIS I KNOW…Keep it simple! In addition to your ANCHOR WORD for 2023, think about other ways you can create a fulfilling 2023. Here are some ideas:
Set yourself up for personal success.
Say goodbye to self-limiting beliefs.
Create a vision board for your new year.
Start with Your WHY. “WHY” do you want certain your goals and plans to happen this year?
Stop gossiping. Smile and spread positivity and kindness.
Give compliments each day. You never know the impact you will make.
Clear out the clutter. Research says clutter stresses you out so let’s make your 2023 the year of decluttering.
Take time to volunteer. Volunteering is good for your spirit, soul, and body plus you are doing something selfless for others. It is a win-win.
Write down three things you're grateful for every night.
Speak kindness to YOU. Don’t just think nice things about yourself; speak them out loud.
What is your anchor WORD for 2023?
“And now we welcome the new year … full of things that have never been,” Rainer Maria Rilke