Get Creative With Your MINDSET
What’s on your mind? You have everything within you to start the creative process to rewire your brain so that you can unfold the authentic side of yourself.
Before your feet hit the floor, you have a MINDSET choice: this will be a good day or a bad day. You get to decide.
I try to consciously speak this each day before I get out of bed, “This is the day the Lord has made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it.” Some days go well and other days have more challenges, but at least I try to start the day with a narrative to set my MINDSET in a better place to receive and process all that comes to it.
I have read that our brains are hardwired to focus on negativity. That is a big hurdle! I have also met many people in my life that seemed hardwired to see the silver lining, they see hope and faith in all things. MINDSET. I have to choose daily to work on my MINDSET. For some, it’s not an issue…and that is okay. I am grateful that I have the tools to change the narrative to change my MINDSET!
Today, challenge yourself and those you care about to intentionally determine what kind of MINDSET you want to have or achieve today. Add it to the top of your daily goal list.
What saying, meditation or scripture do you speak over yourself (and MINDSET) before your feet hit the floor?
Are you a planner or do you wing it? Do you make a list when you plan something or do you keep your options open? No matter how you plan (budget plan, vacation plan, time management plan, etc.), I want to encourage you to be intentional when PLANNING your MINDSET. It is said that an average person will have around 6,200 thoughts in a single day….some articles state an even higher number. It is not your fault that the thought comes into your mind….but more about what you do with those thoughts.
Even though thousands of thoughts come into our minds, it only takes just one positive or negative thought to change your mindset and your mood. Right? “My boss did not give me credit for my work on a project” or “my colleague told me I did a great job on the project!”
Make a MINDSET PLAN if you struggle with negative, toxic thoughts by taking your mind captive. For instance: When I think I am unworthy, I am going to immediately think ‘I am worthy’ or When I think ‘I can’t do this’ I am going to think ‘I can do this.’ In fact, just don’t think a new thought, but SAY it aloud. REPEAT!
Every time you do this, you are actually rewiring your brain. It is not a “one and done.” You have to practice it, and build that MINDSET muscle so that it becomes automatic over time.
What is one action step you can take today to PLAN your MINDSET?
When was the last time you checked in with YOURSELF? Not your goals, relationships, finances, or career, but you. The other items are important, but they are an overflow of YOU and your MINDSET. Many are successful on the outside, but daily they beat themselves up in their MINDSET (which no one sees). We were designed to be whole Spirt, Soul, and Body. Your MINDSET is always with do a MINDSET CHECK-IN this week.
Take time to put YOU and your MINDSET first, sit with yourself, and do a MINDSET CHECK-IN.
We all know the huge benefits of intermittent fasting for your whole body. Have you ever thought about doing a MINDSET FASTING? New research suggests how fasting may have benefits for your brain and your mindset. Since fasting can improve the blood flow to your brain, think of the overflow to your MINDSET. Fasting benefits your whole body including your MINDSET. It is a win-win.
What if you take that same FASTING concept, upgrade it, and do a MINDSET FASTING? Decide to fast toxic thoughts, old labels, lies, self-limiting beliefs, and ??? It’s a MINDSET choice to stop listening to the voices of the past, the negativity of today, and the doubt about your future. A choice to change the narrative from “I can’t” to “I can.” No one can do it for you….it is your choice!
Today, plan to FAST one thing in your MINDSET that is holding you back or holding you down. What would you choose? When you become intentional to MINDSET FASTING, you now have room for a healthy, unlimited, growth mindset! Happy FASTING!
THIS I KNOW….Your thoughts become your actions. Your actions become who you are. Improving your mindset and your thoughts has the potential to completely change the trajectory of your life. If you’re ready to become a better version of yourself, learning how to improve your mindset can help you to get there faster. Your MINDSET goes everywhere you go, right? So, why not take the time to create a healthy MINDSET? Would you want to have a ball and chain around your ankle for the rest of your life? No, why is that? It would create a festering wound from the chain, its weight would make it difficult to move around, exercise, run, etc. It would become a huge inconvenience. When we let our MINDSET marinate in toxicity from past wounds, past or present hurts, self-limiting beliefs, negativity from others, lies, etc., we are creating a ball-and-chain environment for our MINDSET. No wonder we feel like we are going crazy at times. Keep moving forward my friend….reveal the AUTHENTIC YOU!!