Simple Steps To Finding Your Authentic Voice And Creating Space For It
“If you’re trying to find your voice, I am BEGGING you not to silence yourself in the process. You have something important to say and contribute to the world. Even if your voice shakes, even if you’re scared, even if it doesn’t come out perfectly— keep speaking up. The only way you will truly find your voice, is by using it.” --Mel Robbins
Are you looking to make changes in our life, carve out a new chapter, pivot to something better? Are you looking for guidance in those decisions? Look no further, it is right next to you, in fact… it is right within you. Learn how to how to tap into your inner voice for guidance.
Call it your gut or your intuition, but your inner voice acts as a powerful and underrated GPS to guide you in the decisions you make—whether that’s following the internal nudges to ditch your corporate job, to start a physical fitness program or just knowing you need to rest. You can and should learn how to tap into your inner voice and act on those whispers, even when they seem to make no logical sense. When my children were smaller, I would teach them to listen to their gut (inner voice). This way, if they felt unsafe around someone or unsafe in a particular situation and they felt that “funny feeling” in their gut, they should do what it says.
Your inner voice may seem like a tap on the shoulder verses a loud voice telling you what to do. Your inner voice is not noisy, but more calming and leading. Your inner voice can be a feeling. So it is important to pay attention to your emotions because they are your feedback. Your emotions are a way of trying to get your attention and tell you something about you.
Create a relationship with your inner voice just like you do with people. Get to know it. The more familiar you are with your inner voice, the quicker you will recognize it when it shows up in any situation.
How has your inner voice shown up previously? Lean into that and look back to see how it showed up and in what situations. What were the signs? How did it speak to you?
Don’t overthink your inner voice. Your mind wants to figure things out and make sense of every situation. It takes patience to get quiet with yourself and listen to your inner voice for guidance. What feels right? What is your gut saying?
Silence the other voices around you. Your mind, your fear, and other voices are all battling for your attention. Those voices are creating confusion and can distract you from hearing your inner voice. Did you know: Pay attention to the first answer that comes through when you’re making a decision. It is usually your inner voice speaking to you before your mind has had time to actually process it.
“Everybody has what I call this instinct, this inner voice. Every decision I’ve ever made that led me to the right space and place in my life, I got there because I relied on that inner voice.” – Oprah Winfrey
Now that you have a better idea of your inner voice, you can start setting yourself up for success in finding and releasing YOUR AUTHENTIC VOICE. Your inner voice is the pathway to discovering your authentic voice and from there you will start using it for important causes, to stand up for those who don’t have a voice and for yourself personally. Now let’s go to the next step and take your authentic voice and create a space for it. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to create space for your AUTHENTIC voice.
What is your why? The more you can approach life from your why. Why do you believe what you believe? Why do you do what you do? From your why, you can freely express your voice.
What creates a compassionate concern or emotion in you? Do you want to rectify a wrong, do you see a cause that you want to lend your voice to? Do you seek for justice around an issue or cause? This may be a place for your voice.
What skills have you mastered? Are there skills or talents (public speaking, communication, organization, quickly see the resolution in situations) you do without thinking? Start with what you do well, and work your way towards a place to lend your voice. It may come very natural for you and that is a good thing.
What gives you hope? Do you have a vision for your future and for others? This is a great motivator to use your voice and to lead others.
If you were given one day to spend on this earth, what would you do? Another way to create a space for your voice is to think about the work you would do if you only had one day? Who would you spend time with? What would you do with that time? How can you be the most productive with your voice with one day? This will help you laser in on the space you want to create for your authentic voice.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And, most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs
Many of us spend our lives striving for people’s approval, whether it be family, friends, colleagues, or leaders. When we do this, our inner voice gets crowded out and we wonder why we are having a challenging time finding direction and making decisions. By pressing into your inner voice, you will discover more about you, your confidence will grow, and you will step out of our comfort zone without hesitation. Next, you will want to create a space and share your AUTHENTIC voice with others in a variety of ways. Your opinion, thoughts, actions and VOICE matter. Start to trust your voice and know your voice is needed, and IT IS BEING HEARD!