STOP Settling for Less!
“Don’t settle for less or let possessions possess you. Break your routine and reconsider what you truly need. Live in reality, and most of all do what you love doing,” — Unknown
Have you ever settled? Have you ever settled for a relationship that was not healthy? Have you ever settled for a job that was not a good fit for you? We have all done it at some point in our life….but not anymore.
If you remember a time of settling for less, do you remember why? Do remember the specifics of it so that you can learn and grow from it? Instead of beating yourself up for settling, pat yourself on the back that you recognized it and move on. Recognizing the signs of settling is liberating if you choose to act upon it.
If you don’t recognize the signs or the part of your personality that leans towards settling, you will notice some changes. Settling for less slowly deteriorates your spirit, soul, and body over time. You carry yourself physically differently every day, your countenance doesn’t show peace and you start missing the very opportunities destined for you in order to fulfill and accomplish your goals and dreams.
Everything starts with our MINDSET: what we think, feel, and act upon. Settling for less can be very discreet for many years and/or very deliberate, depending upon you. Sometimes settling for less can bring a sense of comfort because you are familiar with it and change can seem overwhelming so we stay put; we settle.
Eliminating self-limiting beliefs is key to stopping the impulse to settle. Those self-limiting beliefs are lies we have repeated in our minds and spoken out loud to ourselves…they hold us back and cause us to settle.
If you are not living up to your greatest potential in any area of your life, you may be settling. It can be hard to admit, but when you do, you will finally discover how to never settle for less.
Another subtle way we get into a mindset of settling is when we become too familiar with our environment. For instance, you may desire to make a change or you know you need to make a change, but you are so comfortable with your surroundings and familiar with it, you settle. It can be the fear of change or the fear of the unknown, so instead of moving … you settle.
“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” —Nelson Mandela
WHY? Identify why you lean towards settling instead of facing fear, change, or personal growth.
Identify self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk.
Write down those items from #2 in one column and then in a second column write down the opposite/positive that you can start focusing on.
Create a plan so that when those “settling” thoughts come into your mind, you have a new and positive phrase to replace them.
Remember the saying, “where your focus goes, energy flows?” You CAN start focusing on creating positive changes in your life and stop SETTLING with some easy steps.
Stop making excuses and accepting less for yourself.
Realize the change starts with you…no one will do it for you.
Don’t accept “settling” when you know you are destined for better.
Don't do what you don’t want to do.
Recognize your own worth and what you bring to your space every day.
Set MINDSET boundaries and abolish self-limiting beliefs.
Set personal boundaries from others who don’t line up with your vision and who you want to be.
1. Are you settling for a life with more limitations?
2. Have you given up on yourself, your dreams, and your goals?
3. Are you living your “second best?”
4. Are you the best version of yourself?
5. Have your self-limiting beliefs outstayed their welcome?
6. Do you find regrets festering?
“Never settle for anything less than your best.” — Brian Tracy
THIS I KNOW… Look around you – are you living the life you’ve always wanted? Are you actively working toward the life you desire? If not, you may be settling. It may sound harsh, but that’s the honest truth. To live your passionate, purposeful, and fulfilling life…you must intentional about not settling. Don’t settle for less in a relationship, your career, your friendships, your parenting, and your personal growth. When we settle for less, we’re robbing ourselves of what we really deserve…THE BEST VERSION OF YOU.
On the flip side, refusing to settle for less means that you’re aware of your self-worth. You were born for greatness. You are here to make a difference.
Don’t settle for less in the relationship you have with yourself!
Psalm 139:14 NASB I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.