How To Use A “Step Back” To Spring Forward
“Sometimes you’ve got to take a big step back to see the full picture.”
Your first thought may be “why would I want to go backward when I want to move forward? Taking a step back is not a negative or mean you have to start over. Taking a step back is more about gaining a perspective of your current state. It allows you to get clarity and perspective. Clarity comes through reflection and strategic thought.
Take some time every month, quarter, or six months to reflect and evaluate where you are right now in relation to where you want to end up. Sometimes, the best long-term life strategy moves may require what seems to be a backward move, but it is actually moving you forward.
Taking a step back allows you the privilege to see the forest instead of getting lost in the trees. We are human and it is easy to get into the weeds of every decision or think we have to make everything happen NOW. We can’t…take the time to take a step back so you can unpack the situation and make an informed decision or choice.
The most successful people maintain a focus on the present, review their short-term goals while keeping their eye on the future. Be intentional today that the actions or steps you take today are moving you in the direction that you intend to go.
Have you ever focused so much on a problem, decision, or next steps that it gets more confusing and difficult to move forward? I have! Like the saying “we cannot see the forest for the trees” we have a hard time seeing the big picture because we become so focused (get so close to the issue) on the details (what’s next, what should I do, etc.).
This picture above is the same concept. I created a mega close-up of a beautiful picture, but we are too close to it, and cannot see the actual picture. Any guesses on what it is?
Focusing so much on the details can overwhelm you and halt you from making a you do something else. It’s like a person who needs to pack their house for a move but instead they spend the day going through memory books. Today, hit pause, and take a step or two back so that you gain a broader perspective on what is in front of you. Take the time to re-think, recharge, re-evaluate, and then restart with a refreshed mindset.
How does this resonate with you?
Have you ever blown up a photo too large and it becomes blurry and the pixels of color blend so much that you can't see the actual photo anymore? Life is very much the same. As I shared above, the challenge is when we get too involved in the details that we forget to look at the situation as a whole (the bigger picture.) My son has played football since fourth grade. In football, many times you will find the offensive coordinators situated high within the stands or in a booth. Here they get a birds-eye view of the game. This way they can see gaps in the defense and make game-time changes to their offensive strategy to reveal a “seen” weakness.
There are times whether at work or personally when we need to get up in the booth or in the stands of our situation and get a bigger picture (birds-eye view). What is your strategy? How do you know if you are too much in the weeds of a situation and getting your eyes off of the big picture?
What does a birds-eye view mean to you?
“One step back does not mean defeat…. It just means you will take the same step forward again…but WISER.” What would you add to this quote? Just like taking a vacation or a mini break is important for our overall well-being, in the same way, a periodic “step back” when assessing a situation allows you the time to reassess or re-evaluate your next move.
I recently learned in soccer that a “Back Pass” is a pass that a player makes BACK toward their own goal, usually made back to the goalkeeper. This is often a defensive move to RESTART A NEW PHASE of play. Resembles a life “step back” doesn’t it? Sometimes you can't see something for what it is ... because you are in the midst of it. True? Is it time for you to get away to gain the perspective you need so the right moves and decisions come into focus? You don’t know what you don’t know.
So take the STEP...either way, it is a win-win!
Now that we have laid the ground work to a step back, let’s explore a “bird-eye” view.
Using your 30,000-foot view as a way to “step back” gives you the angle of seeing things in detail but in a big-picture way. It is strange and wonderful how that works. There are details or key information in the big picture, too. The more you step back or get to the 30,000-foot view, the picture is now clearer so you can decide what needs your attention or focus.
By taking a step back, the picture below is clear and we can see all of the beautiful flowers!
I have Life360 on my phone so I can see where my children are in a general or a specific way. It all depends on how I use the app. I can zero in on their ONE location or pull the screen out to see MORE of the environment around them (30,000-foot view).
Everything Worth Pursuing Is Ahead Of YOU!
On the road to your defined destination, there will be many moments when you will feel fairly certain that you are: moving up, on track, getting ahead, going over, and advancing forward! You have an inner conviction you are on the right track…and that is good! While in this moving forward process, you can also appreciate the importance of taking a step back to gain more clarity to keep the momentum going. This way you are able to measure your progress, which is as important as the action you take to advance your overall goals. Sometimes you have to take a step back to create fresh momentum when you take a step forward.
REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS: It pays in full when you make the intentional decision to take a break or step back so that you can have a fresh set of eyes on the situation or decision. Each step is not necessarily from A to B to C….. Many times it is A to D to B to O….
“There are no wrong turnings. Only paths we had not known we were meant to walk.” Guy Gavriel Kay
REFLECT: Have you ever felt that you were taking more steps back than forward? I know I have. You are putting in a lot of effort but not seeing the desired results. REFLECT - STEP BACK. By taking the time to do some introspection you can see the bigger picture and figure out if this is the path you need to be on or make some adjustments. It is all good!
THIS I KNOW….nothing is wasted! Taking a step back and a step forward is always a learning opportunity. As I stated before, you don’t know what you don’t know. Sometimes you have to take one step back in order to achieve two ahead and so on. I heard it said that greatness is like a spring, you take a step back in order to spring ahead.
What if you tried the following? Close your eyes and see yourself snapping your fingers to instantly change things to make them better. What would that look like to you? What results do you see? What things did you notice that were better? Within that moment you may now see some steps you can plan or take to move in that direction. Getting a clear picture of what ‘better’ looks like, is the key. REMEMBER: Taking a step back is as necessary as moving forward.
”The steps of a [good and righteous] man are directed and established by the LORD, And He delights in his way [and blesses his path]”—Psalm 37:23 Amplified version
If this resonates with you and you would like to explore working with a Success Mindset/Life Transitions Life Coach, LET’S CONNECT.