When You Don’t Know What To Do…

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better,” Maya Angelou


How many times have you asked this question, “what do I do?” We all have been there….several times…where you have found yourself at a dead-end (now which way do I go?) or at a fork in the road (both ways may be good for you) or at crossroads with a relationship or career. You may be cruising along and then it feels like you hit a brick wall because of fear, anxiety, imposter syndrome….the list goes on and on.  You may even have said, “I don’t know what to do with my life…”

We have been trained since childhood to think about and figure out “what we want to be when we grow up.”  That is a fun and inquisitive question for a child, but as we reach our high school graduation, we are expected to have an idea of what we want to do with our life.  It still is a loaded question. 

So, let’s unpack this question with the faith of a child and no boundaries. Now, what does that look like?

✅No matter what stage you are at in life, you will find a new path, a new you, or a new mindset in the process.  Don’t give up, keep exploring, evaluating, researching, and have fun with it. 

What do you do when you don’t know what to do…do you: *Meditate or pray *Seek the counsel of peers *Research your different options *Step out ONLY when everything aligns perfectly or….


When you don’t know what to do or what decision to make…. think of it as a teachable moment. Teachable moments are everywhere, every day. If we decide to learn from the teachable moment, we actually can take the pressure off of ourselves. We don’t have to have it all figured out! While raising my children, I always was mindful of those "teachable moments" to train, impart wisdom, provide guidance, and for them to learn something new. Those moments would make an appearance throughout the years. Teachable moments have no expiration date, no age requirement, no judgment, and they are available to all of us.

 ✅Teachable moments never end...we are always a student because those teachable moments are there for a reason.

 ✅Teachable moments help us to make decisions, learn about ourselves, learn about others and take us to a new level of our authentic selves.

 ❓How do you bring teachable moments to the workplace?   ❓Into your personal life?

 ❓How do you lean into those teachable moments?  ❓How do you share them with others?

“Life is about NOT knowing… having to change… taking the moment and making the best of it, WITHOUT knowing what's going to happen next,” Comedian/Actress Gilda Radner


As you navigate those “I don’t know what to do” moments….don’t panic, but lean into it. You may get an answer right away or it may need time to marinate before it is revealed to you. Don’t worry…that doesn’t mean you are making a mistake. Sometimes we need to be prepared for the next step, take time to be healed from past issues/hurts so we are emotionally whole for the next chapter, maybe other events need to occur first, or you may just have to take that leap so the next steps will unfold. There are many things to consider when you are on this path…so don’t stress about it. You are not alone.

Don’t miss today – Keep the big picture in mind, but don’t forget about the lessons and blessings of today. Today will lead you to your future…don’t put the cart ahead of the horse.

Personal core values – Your core values function as a compass to keep you on course.  They help you sort out what you need to do, the why behind it, and what not to do. 

Get great counsel – This allows you to talk things out, process those thoughts and feelings, and help you connect the dots to the next step.

Trust yourself – Yes, even when you feel insecure in this phase of life, trust yourself. Be thankful for all of the oops, right decisions, uncertainty, fear, and mistakes.  They all made you who you are today and have brought you to this great new place in your life! 

Be comfortable with the uncomfortable – Sometimes life is uncomfortable.  This is a great tool to help you grow as a person and develop a growth mindset so that changes or unplanned circumstances won’t throw you off course.

Spend time with you – Take time for yourself. Ask yourself questions about what you see ahead, meditate, go for a walk, journal, and DREAM BIG.  Quiet your mind.

Knock Knock – Opportunities are always knocking on the door….so open the door and check it out.  Be open to saying YES more often and see where it leads.  The timing may be right or not, but if you don’t open the door to opportunities, it may pass you by.

THIS MUCH I KNOW…..it is okay not to know! It is okay to not have all of the answers all of the time. In fact, I believe we are not supposed to have all of the answers all of the time. This way we can learn and grow as a person, develop the muscle of curiosity, and become more creative. Your answer to “I don’t know what to do” is in the quietness of difficulties, in the chaos, in the not knowing. How can the answer be in the “not knowing?” Not knowing what to do pushes you to seek answers, re-evaluate relationships, be curious about where you are at today, explore your options, go back to your WHY, and so on. It is endless and that is good. We have to withhold from panicking and let the process work. You didn’t get this far in life to just blow it all up. Life has so many moving pieces, so many choices, decisions, challenges, pivots, and the unknown. We don’t have a crystal ball, so we do the best we can with what we have. Let “not knowing what to do next” catapult you to the next level, to a more authentic you, to learn more about you and your life!

If this resonates with you, check out “When Life Doesn’t Turn Out As Planned…Or Did It?

Celebrate NOT KNOWING!


Harnessing Your “YET”


Turn Your Life Transitions Into REINVENTIONS