“Where focus goes, energy flows,” Tony Robbins says. “What you focus on, you feel.”

What Will Be Your Focus Today?

Your FOCUS and mindset have a great influence on all areas of your life. You have a choice to FOCUS on your goals at work, your relationships, or your personal goals and your core values. What you FOCUS on will manifest in your life…at the right time!

I remember a story a friend told me years ago. She never drove in a Michigan winter because she was afraid she would drive off the road. One day at lunch, her friends made her drive the car, in the snow! Guess what happened, she focused so much on driving off of the road....that is exactly what happened. No one was hurt, but she learned a huge lesson that day...what you FOCUS on is where you end up!

As Tony Robbins says, energy flows where your attention goes. What needs your attention?  Family, relationships, work, personal goals, health, finances, etc.  Not only do you need small and large goals in those areas, but it needs your FOCUS. You can plan and set goals all day, but if you don’t spend time focusing on them and using your energy to fertilize and water them, they won’t grow.  Just like watering a plant, it will grow.  “What you focus on grows.”


The good and the bad fall into this category....but you can overcome the bad. What things trigger you without you even thinking about it? Muscle memory can happen with our feelings and thoughts because they get trapped in our bodies. Just like the picture of this car going down the road…how many times have you arrived at work and you don’t member all of the stoplights, etc. Muscle memory.

Muscle memory is not just for working out, but for other areas and it can help you focus if you use it in the right way. Have you ever seen a skier get ready to race downhill? They close their eyes and move their bodies to twist and turn with the course BEFORE they ski it. They are creating muscle memory in their body and mind. This helps them to FOCUS on the race before them. The next time you are negatively triggered, do a deep dive into your muscle memory of those feelings/events, unpack it, and FOCUS on a new path...the equivalent of taking a new route to work! Now you have created a new, healthier muscle memory!

Is there a specific area in your life where you need to create a healthier muscle memory?


TAKE THE WHEEL – What has control over you?  Life’s demands, lack of drive, anxiety, fears, or other people.  Are those things determining your life’s direction?  I believe in walking by faith, but I also know I am expected to walk things out and own my decisions and actions on what I do and don’t do. No one can do the work for you, except you…so take the wheel and develop your FOCUS.

CHANGE THE NARRATIVE – When limiting beliefs are whispering in your ear or speaking louder than your own voice, it is time to change the story.  Flip the narrative from “I can’t” to “I can” or “it is impossible” to “it is possible.”  FOCUS on the narrative you are speaking over you so that you can make your best life decisions for YOURSELF.

BE INTENTIONAL – I have spoken about this in previous blogs. When you are intentional in your finances, relationships, business, personal life, etc., you are directing your FOCUS to where it needs to be in order to see the results you expect to see.  Be intentional about where your attention is pointed.  Be intentional in your FOCUS.

MINDSET INFLUENCES YOUR FOCUS – Have you ever shopped for a car?  Chances are you did research on the car you wanted, the features you would like to have, etc.  When you spend time dreaming about the car, looking at pictures of the car, you will start noticing the car everywhere…parking lots, highways, and neighborhoods. Why?  Your mindset was imprinted with the image of the car. Most likely you never noticed the car before until you focused on it.  Partner your mindset and your FOCUS the same way and watch things start to cross your path.

CREATE A RITUAL OR ROUTINE – Even if you like spontaneity, you may want to consider creating a routine during the day.  This helps you to FOCUS on the tone for the day.  It helps you to control the schedule instead of the other way around. The ritual can be a fitness routine, journaling, meditating, or reading.

GRATITUDE GENERATES FOCUS – I have spoken on gratitude in other blogs and there are many benefits of developing an attitude of gratitude.  It can shift your FOCUS to looking at the brighter side of things, noticing the small blessings in your life, and appreciating the unexpected that crosses your path.  By doing this, your FOCUS in life goes from seeing what may seem like a setback in your life to a setup for something better. 

NOW WHAT? This much I know…where we put our intentions, thoughts, actions, words, and mindset is where we will find our FOCUS. From there, we get to see the fruit of what we focused on. Did we grow change, growth mindset, goals, relationships, finances, businesses, better health…you get to decide. Remember, what you FOCUS on is what will grow in your life!




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