Lessons from a Tube of Toothpaste


Have you ever been in the situation where your toothpaste tube looks like nothing more can come out of it? Before you know it, you are scrambling to find another toothpaste tube. If you cannot find one, you do the next best thing… you start squeezing out the “last” of the “last” of the toothpaste from the mangled tube.  Believe it or not, you are able to squeeze out some more toothpaste.


Don't give up on yourself.  Squeeze out a little more.

There are some things we can learn from this toothpaste tube analogy:  “Keeping pressing onward,” “Don’t give up,” or “See what is left inside of you.” Think about it…there are days when we have to squeeze out a little more of our faith, hope, inner strength, talents, tenacity, one more step... just to keep moving forward. You will discover there is more inside of you.

You may be tired today, so I want to challenge and encourage you to squeeze out some more by thinking about what you have accomplished! When you feel like there is nothing left inside of you think about:  what have you accomplished and achieved...what do you feel good about...revisit past victories!  What did you do when everything inside of you said, "no more?"  In those moments, you will discover a little more inside of you to press onward.


Don’t give up. 

Once you quit, it is never quite the same. Whether it’s a relationship, a job, or your life, you are in charge of your choices. Giving up may enter your mind, but find some way to keep going, even if you have to do things a little differently.  Squeeze a little more out!

Just like you put some muscle into that toothpaste tube to get the very last bit out, lean into your problems the same way.  Lean into them expecting your “aha” moment to come forward, a solution to the challenge to show up or just getting your personal power back. 

If you were to encourage a friend to squeeze out a little more and lean into their problems, what would you say to them?  I bet it would be great advice!  Now, take what you would say to your friend AND SAY IT TO YOURSELF. Rinse and repeat!!


When you squeeze out a little more, you will redeem the time, discover hope, refocus, redefine your dreams and goals and discover a new found energy that propels you to the next level.

When you are squeezing out the “last bit of toothpaste,” it says you are not giving up.  You are still in the game.  You still have what it takes.  Don’t allow circumstances to dictate your outcome.  There really is more inside of you.


Retired United States Navy admiral William H. McRaven writes, “Life is a struggle and the potential for failure is ever present, but those who live in fear of failure, or hardship, or embarrassment will never achieve their potential. Without pushing your limits, without occasionally sliding down the rope headfirst, without daring greatly, you will never know what is truly possible in your life.” -- Make Your Bed: Small Things That Can Change Your Life… And Maybe The World.


THIS I KNOW: When I went through my divorce many years ago, I felt like I was under water for months drowning in the rejection, humiliation, hurt, shame and pain. I felt like a bobber on a fishing line … bobbing up and down with the waves.  After a few months, I was sitting at my desk at work, and thinking about that “bobber” feeling. Immediately, I heard God speak to me in my Spirit, “you are no longer under water, going up and down with the waves…you are actually on the other side of the river.”  WOW, talk about an “aha” moment.  Progress is a great motivator…. from that moment on, I knew I was on my way.  I had to squeeze out of me in the darkest of times the tenacity, strength, hope, faith, courage and belief in myself to get to the other side of the river.

My Courageous Friend, dig deep within… there is more inside of you. Squeeze out hope, faith, strength, courage, belief in yourself, and whatever else you need to get to the other side!


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