Life Coaching Questions for Life Transitions
“The people who succeed the most are the people who have failed the most, because they are the people who have tried the most.” Unknown
At different seasons in our lives, we WILL experience life-changing events or life transitions. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited with the idea that the only constant in life is change. Only fragments of his writings remain, one in which he says: Everything changes and nothing remains still; and you cannot step twice into the same stream. All life transitions (good, not good, not my fault moments, others’ decisions that affect you, etc.) will be opportunities to gain new experiences, challenge yourself, pivot, and reinvent yourself. Life transitions may be: graduating high school or college, new jobs, choosing a profession(s), marriage, children, remarriage, divorce, loss on any level, bankruptcy, retirement, pandemics, etc. These are all PIVOT moments. When life transitions cross our paths, it is normal to resist change and not move forward because of fear, anxiety, or other emotions. We are wired to negativity so it takes strength and belief in yourself to not go down that negative path and go down the path for which you are destined for.
These life-coaching questions will start rewiring your mindset, get more clarity, get yourself unstuck, abolish self-limiting beliefs, and/or help you decide what you want to create in this next life transition. You can use these questions for any chapter, just refine them to fit where you are.
§ What is happening around you? (new job, divorce, retirement, rejection, etc.)
§ What are you most proud of?
§ What could you do differently next time?
§ What do you want to achieve?
§ How do you want to get there?
§ What resources do you need?
§ What is under your control? What is out of your control?
§ What would you try now if you knew you could not fail?
§ What’s the worst that can happen, and how will you handle that?
§ What’s the first step you need to take to reach your goal?
§ What do you need in order to succeed?
§ What is stopping you from doing this next step?
§ What does success look like?
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” - Wayne Dyer.
RETIREMENT and SINGLE PARENTING These are two common areas on the radar of my life-coaching practice. So, let’s explore some life-coaching questions you can apply in these areas.
RETIREMENT - When looking at the life transition of retirement, it is not just the financial side of the chapter, but also taking into consideration the personal side of retirement planning. Considering your lifestyle wants, needs, and your retirement expectations.
1. How do you define retirement?
2. What do you want to experience during retirement?
3. What’s on your bucket list?
4. What is the timeline before you retire?
5. Do you have a trusted financial planner?
6. What feelings do you have about retirement? Start addressing any fear, anxiety, or negative feelings now.
7. Ask yourself “Am I excited about my retirement lifestyle?
SINGLE PARENTING - One size does not fit all in single parenting. Your partner may have left you, you experienced a divorce or death of a loved one. You may be raising your grandchild. Remember, it is not a badge of shame but of honor and strength. It is also the hardest and most rewarding job out there. I know, I have been a single parent to two children for many years. Now is the time to create ways to bring out the best in yourself as a single parent.
“When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” Franklin D. Roosevelt
1. Write out your self-limiting beliefs and work through them.
2. How do you want to show up each day as a parent?
3. What challenges are you facing now (finances, fear, divorce, etc.)?
4. What family memories or traditions do you want to create?
5. What makes you smile when you think of your family?
6. Single parenting can be lonely, so build your tribe of support around you.
THIS I KNOW – asking yourself life-coaching or self-evaluating questions is the best thing you can do for YOU. It is therapeutic and provides you with a safe space to discover what is possible for you, your family, and your next chapter. Life transitions will happen (directly or indirectly) so the more we learn from each one, we set ourselves up for success in the next life transition. Today start building a strong “life transition” foundation with a healthy mindset, a healthy Spirit, Soul, and Body, and center your emotions and reactions. We can’t run from life transitions, but we can make them work for us and not against us! Cheers to you and the wonderful life-coaching questions you are going to use to arrive at your next level as the best version of YOURSELF!
Jeremiah 29:11 Amp - “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”