Shattering Your Self-Limiting Beliefs
“No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow your progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.”
Shattering Your Self-Limiting Beliefs
“I can’t, I don’t have, I’m not”….. If you are starting out your thoughts or sentences with those words…you may want to see what is behind them….self-limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs form primarily in childhood (before we’re 7 years old!) As children, we hadn’t yet developed the ability to analyze, filter and/or comprehend our experiences; as a result, we take in the world around us at face value and process that information as truth. Limiting beliefs can also form, or be exacerbated, in adulthood. This typically comes from the media, judgment by others, and our desire to fit within cultural norms.
What are limiting beliefs? Limiting beliefs are the negative, defeatist ideas we have about ourselves that stop us from living our best, fullest & most authentic lives. They are the automatic, ingrained doubts that pop up whenever we’re putting ourselves out there & truly going for what we deeply desire. It is a false belief system that we have created that goes from protecting us to a ball and chain.
· I'm not good enough: “I'm not good enough to manage this project.”
· I'm too old or too young: “I'm too young to be a manager.”
· I don't have enough time: “I don't have enough time to invest in myself.”
· I'm not smart enough: “I'm not smart enough to lead this meeting.”
You may think self-limiting beliefs are not a big deal…however, would you eat a healthy bowl of fruit with some gasoline in it? Of course not, but even though you are eating something healthy, there is another product in the bowl that is working against you. Self-limiting beliefs are like the gasoline in the fruit bowl.
What’s on your mind? You have everything within you to start the creative process to rewire your brain so that you can unfold the authentic side of yourself.
Pull Back The Curtain
Earlier I shared that if you are starting out your thoughts and/or sentences with “I can’t, I don’t have, I’m not”…you need to pull back the curtain on your mindset, and your emotions that lead to unhealthy reactions. What did the Wizard of Oz say behind the curtain? Do you remember when Toto the dog ripped the curtain to the side? The Wizard of Oz realized he had been found out, and tries to cover it up by shouting over his loudspeaker, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
No one can see your self-limiting beliefs….but you feel them and you think them. Others may see you as confident and self-assured, but inside you are believing those self-limiting beliefs and then it becomes your truth (i.e., You don’t get the promotion so you say “Yup, I am not smart or talented enough for a promotion.”). It’s a lie, but you confirm the lie by validating it, thus it feels like the truth. Take time to unpack those moments so that you can be set free from your self-limiting beliefs.
When you pull back the curtain today, what self-limiting belief will be speaking back to you?
“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn
What is Your Relationship with You Self-Limiting Beliefs
There are many sayings we hear every day that can shed some light on how we relate to our self-limiting beliefs. Such as:
· What we focus on is where our energy goes.
· Show me your friends and I will show you your future.
· You have a relationship with the thing or person you spend the most time with (cell phone, addictions, work…)
It is hard to admit, but we have a relationship with our self-limiting beliefs. Take each statement above and apply it to your self-limiting beliefs and then decide if it is true. Are you focused more on your self-limiting beliefs?; What does your future look like with your self-limiting beliefs and do you believe your self-limiting beliefs more than your real friends?
Mindset hacks are simple techniques you can use to change the pathways in your MINDSET at any given moment throughout the day. The reason they work is that they interrupt the negative thought patterns that self-limiting beliefs create so we can move forward in a healthy way. Have you ever been in the woods and discovered a trail? If the trail has been walked on for a length of time, you will notice the groves in the path and the roots starting to show…so much so it may become difficult to walk it. Your brain also has “paths” in it that have been traveled upon for years which is why it seems normal to struggle or to think daily negative, toxic or self-limiting thoughts…. Mindset hacks can help rewire your brain and abolish your self-limiting beliefs.
1. Create a plan. Identify your self-limiting beliefs, then write down a quote or statement that reflects something positive about you so you can be prepared to counter the negative thought with a positive one.
2. Create two columns on a piece of paper. Write down all of the self-limiting beliefs in one column. In the corresponding column, put an opposite statement. (Column 1: I am not talented. Column 2: I am talented, smart, and amazing.) Focus your thoughts on Column 2.
3. Journal your thoughts for a few days. Notice the self-limiting beliefs you write down and then take some time to ask yourself WHY you think that and start unpacking it so that you can be free from it.
THIS I KNOW… Matthew 19:26 NIV “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
For years I struggled with self-limiting beliefs….and I didn’t even know that was what it was. I thought I was just slow, not smart and not capable of more. It wasn’t until my late forties that I discovered this ball and chain called self-limiting beliefs. I did what I have suggested for you above. I started to unpack the lies, replace them with positive truths and rewired my brain.
You deserve more than you think…you deserve to live in peace and live out the best life possible.
Numbers 6:24-27 “The LORD bless you and keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace! “So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites, and I will bless them.