What Makes You Unique and Special?


“The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.” – Walt Disney


What makes you unique and special? I believe YOU make yourself unique and special every day! Each day we get the opportunity to choose how we want to show up in our space. What does unique mean? By definition: there is only one, there is no other. Isn’t that incredible?  You were created to be…you! You don’t need to covet anyone else or what they have.  Find ways to strive to be the best version of YOU! I have heard the phrase that when God made you, He broke the mold. You didn’t break the mold because there was something wrong with you. He broke the mold because you are unique and one-of-a-kind according to Him. There has never been anyone in your past or in your future who is like you.  Your thumbprint, voice, footprint, heartbeat, and eyes are unique. You are custom made.  That is why it is important for you to be you and no one else.  You can learn and glean from others, but you still need to be YOU.



As you start the day, you may be carrying a heavy personal load.  I have been there many times in my life…trying to do my professional job and manage a life-changing event at the same time in my personal life.  No one may know the path you are on…. just remember this…you are seen, you are loved, you are needed, and you are AWESOME. It is up to you to keep believing in that vision and to walk it out. 

If you are breathing, God has a purpose for you. As long as you have breath, somebody needs what you have and there is more for you to grow and learn. Keep sharing your gifts, personality, talents, love and your smile.

You never know whose life you are impacting every day.  Take a moment and think of an encouraging word someone gave you years ago and how you walk it out today.  Think about someone in history whose story inspires you to be the best version of you.  Think about all of the people we talk about today in conversation and the impact they made on us, and yet they are no longer with us.


That is what you are doing every day.  You may never know the impact you are making, but someone is reaping the benefits of knowing you, even if it was for just one moment.

“There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you.” Steve Maraboli


  • Be at peace with yourself

  • High Five yourself in the mirror “I see you and I believe in you, and I support you”

  • Love who you are

  • Receive love from others

  • Remember there are NO expiration dates on your gifts and talents

  • Speak uplifting messages about yourself

  • Speak to yourself as you would speak to your best friend

  • Believe in yourself just like you believe in others

  • Be authentic

  • Send an encouraging letter to yourself

“Let me be myself and then I am satisfied. I know that I’m a woman, a woman with inward strength and plenty of courage.” –Anne Frank


Are you finished writing your story? No, you are not. If you have breath in your lungs, then there is still work for you to do. I believe the majority of people will never know the impact they have made on the lives around them. Somewhere down the road, someone will remember an encouraging word you gave them, and they will share it with others. Your actions today will impact someone you never met! Just like we leave an inheritance for our loved ones, our words and actions are an inheritance for others.

On April 11, 1944, Anne Frank wrote the above quote in her diary at the age of 14 amid the worst genocide the world has known. Her diary, which has been translated into 70 languages with more than 30 million copies sold, chronicles her time hiding in the Secret Annex and it shines a light on a teenager coming to terms with who she was as a young woman. Anne had no idea how her words and personal thoughts in her diary would touch lives for generations.


Why You ARE Special

·       You are a source of strength

·       You look for ways to give

·       You are honest and kind

·       You smile at others

·       You lift others up

·       You encourage others to be all they can be




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