Why You Need To Be Curious!

 “When curiosity is alive, we are attracted to many things; we discover many worlds,”
Eric Booth


Do you ever "overthink" something? I do....I realize that is how I am wired. However, I have learned to hit the brakes when I sense myself going down that path. It is a gift and a challenge at the same time. Now, I try to be more curious when I want to "overthink."

Over the years, I have found that if I lean into the curious side of me, then I can think through my options or decisions better.  I have more excitement about the outcome versus feeling stressed.  I am more open to the process than trying to make something happen (especially if it is out of my control). 

Speaking of curious, when was the last time you were curious? Think about it, everything we see, taste, eat, drink, drive, fly, own, buy....all began with someone saying "I wonder?"  Those two words “I wonder” start a curious mindset.  Someone became curious about creating electricity, creating a camera, exploring the United States, learning how to fly, etc. 

 “Many saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why.”

What would happen if you started balancing your planning, visioning, dreaming, getting out of your comfort zone, strategic planning, etc., with CURIOSITY.



Did you know that your mind (which is like a muscle), becomes stronger through the mental exercise of CURIOSITY?  Cultivating curiosity develops wonder, joy, and never-ending life experiences.

When was the last time you were curious about anything?  Curious about the city you live in, the people around you, why you think or act the way you do, why you never noticed certain people before, the colors of a sunrise/sunset, or why you are bored.  We always admire little children and their curiosity…..the WHY questions they ask over and over. It may drive us crazy but in reality, it is allowing us to be CURIOUS with them!



How can you bring CURIOSITY into your workplace and why is this CURIOUS mindset so powerful for you and your team?

Curiosity within your team helps them to grow personally / professionally, build healthy relationships with colleagues, adapt to the ongoing changes of a company, step out of their comfort zone and create more innovative and productive solutions to the team and corporate vision. 

A curious mindset creates a WIN/WIN atmosphere for your team! Instead of judging someone or something, get curious.  When you want to criticize leadership’s decisions, be curious about them and ask informative questions. How do you help your team be more curious and tap into creativity?

 “The important thing is not to stop questioning… Never lose a holy curiosity,”  Albert Einstein



  • Is in all of us. We just need to take the time to explore it, cultivate it and see how it works in each one of us.

  • Leads you to new and unexpected discoveries to learn about you and the world around you.

  • Helps you to get out of your own way.  When you want to overthink something, let CURIOSITY to step in.

  • Helps you to lean into “what if” so you can focus on the possibilities.

  • Beats boredom. Being curious keeps you busy with creating a new outlook and perspective.

  • Let’s you be a kid again.  Think back to the “younger you” and tap into the curiosity of your youth.

“Curiosity in children is but an appetite for knowledge. The great reason why children abandon themselves wholly to silly pursuits and trifle away their time insipidly is, because they find their curiosity balked, and their inquiries neglected.” – John Locke

  • Helps you be a better listener. It silences the voice of judgment so you can focus less on what you're going to say next, and more on the words and information the other person is sharing with you.

  •  Helps you to be creative and embrace the unexpected.


Many of us have lost our curiosity because we have been conditioned by others, life circumstances, and the unexpected to push it aside and be serious. Being curious does not mean you don’t take things seriously and that you are silly. Curiosity is a breath of fresh air and gives you a new mindset to see things with a new perspective. Curiosity adds value to you, which then overflows onto others. It is like a fresh coat of paint, except it never gets old and dull. It is like “stopping to smell the roses,” but actually noticing the roses. Curiosity is within all of us, you just have to “fan the flame” of curiosity.  What does that mean?  Practice it.  When you want to judge another’s decision or thought process, be curious instead.  When you feel stuck, be curious about where this path could lead or how to create a new path.

If you still struggle with being curious, go back to your youth.  Sometimes we have to say, “what would the younger version of me think?”  And if that doesn’t work, go even younger….keep going until you discover the curiosity of your youth.

“I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious”
– Albert Einstein

I want to challenge you today to add the ingredient of CURIOSITY into your day....what does that look like for you? I bet it looks great on you.


Does this article resonate with you? Do you want to be more curious about your life? If that sounds like you, LET’S CONNECT. You can partner with me, your Life Transition/Success Coach to help you be more present and design your next awesome chapter in life! LET’S CONNECT!


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