Unpack the Baggage and LET IT GO….

Letting go is one of the hardest things to do in life. Whether guilt, anger, loss, fear, etc. Change is never easy, we fight to hang on and fight to let go.

The Luggage/Baggage Cart

When you see this picture to the right, what comes to mind for you?  Many of us have been carrying or dragging behind us for years this extra “baggage” called anger, pride, being unhealthy, mindset limitations, wasting time, the weight of the world, stress, etc.?  We drag this extra baggage with us everywhere, every day and we don’t even realize it … and we wonder why we are physically and emotionally drained.  Instead of bringing these multiple pieces of baggage into every relationship, every job, and every life situation, how about picking one piece of baggage today and unpacking it.

There are so many things we need to let go of:  expectations, bad habits, anger, fear, s bad stress, toxic relationships, unforgiveness towards others and ourselves, and (you fill in the rest).  Just like you fill up your luggage/baggage for a trip and take it with you to your destination….you will eventually unpack it. 

Have you ever moved from one location to another? You pack and unpack. There are things we pack because they are there in front of us and then we leave them in boxes for months or years because we don’t want to look and see what is in the box. How many times have you unpacked a box and you are surprised at the items inside? Think of unpacking the things you need to let go of so that you can freely move forward with a healthy mindset, a new attitude wrapped in gratitude and with grace.


In this story, we can learn that no matter what anyone throws at us, we can shake it off and be free. LET IT GO!

“One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a Well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the donkey was old, and the Well, needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone’s amazement, he quieted down.

A few shovels loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey did something amazing. He shook it off and took a step up. As the farmer’s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!

Have you ever felt like was just dumping in you?  Their expectations, their disappointments, their schedule for your life…..use it to STEP UP and LET IT GO. Watch how quickly you will move forward with confidence and intention.


Unpack Your Mindset – Just like you decide your daily wardrobe, you clothe your mindset, too.  Your mindset will grow, develop and embrace things out of the experiences you have in life. Irrespective of whether the experience is positive or negative, a filter is formed that limits what our mind absorbs so choose intentionally on what you want to focus on.

Unpack the Stuck – To get unstuck you need to intentionally move in the direction you want to go. You also may need to make that decision that you keep putting off.  If you feel stuck or you feel like you are not moving forward, ask yourself if you are putting off a decision or move you need to make. Is fear or doubt is getting in the way? If so, unpack it.

Unpack Grace – Just like you would give grace to someone else who may be struggling or confused, give yourself the same grace.  Show yourself some kindness and compassion while you are unpacking your life.

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn

Unpack Your Feelings – Allow yourself to feel the emotions and thoughts…because that is how you will identify them.  If they are not working for you, give yourself the freedom to kick them to the curb. Your time is now….step into it.

Unpack and Be Present - Part of letting go of the different pieces of baggage we carry around each day (which can be exhausting) is to be present.  What we focus on is where we go with our thoughts and actions. Being present doesn’t mean you are ignoring what you need to work on personally, but it can be a way to refocus your attention on what matters, at the moment, versus what may be out of your control. Some baggage may just “fall off” by you being present because they were not as big of a deal as you may have originally thought.

Unpack Your Surroundings – Who are the people surrounding you?  Take a look around and see if you need to rearrange your relationships. I have had to do it.  You may have to decide which relationships get more of your time because they add value to you and you to them.  

Unpack Gratitude – Here is another way to live in the moment, instead of in the past. Start a gratitude journal or practice it during your morning meditation. Realize that everything that happened to you in the past is what made you the person you are now: a strong, powerful person who can bounce back from anything. Gratitude makes it easier to let go of the past for good.

Unpack the Story – When we get so stuck in a problem, it becomes hard to separate the event from who we are today. According to Eckhart Tolle, we create and maintain problems because they give us a sense of identity. Your stories shape you but don't define your identity. Don't let bitter experiences become who you are. Letting go of a past story makes space for beautiful new ones.

“Just for today, allow yourself to embrace all that you are every moment. Know that you are a vessel of light. Allow yourself to release all doubts about your ability, the mistakes of the past, the fear of the future,” Iyanla Vanzant


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