You Are More Than A Conqueror
“Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.” Helen Keller
Life….it can be predictable and unpredictable at times. Just like death and taxes are certain, so are the disappointments or the “I did not see that coming” of life. Every one of us can think of hard times that we have faced over the years. Some were unfair and some just did not make sense. Did you feel knocked down? Did you get back up? What have you overcome in your life? Did you overcome a setback, disappointment, discouragement, mistake, bankruptcy, divorce, failed relationships, wrong timing, etc.?
Your setback is a set up for something great!
So let me ask you, “How do you handle life’s disappointments?” Do you make lemonade out of lemons? Do you think from the perspective that the glass is half full? Are you naturally optimistic? Do you naturally go down the negative path when you are disappointed?
The mandatory eight count is a rule in boxing and kickboxing requiring the referee to give any fighter a count of eight seconds once they have been knocked down by their opponent, and before the fight is allowed to resume. It is protection for the fighter, gives them time to get up and check to see if they are okay.
If you feel knocked down by life or circumstances, you need to do the same thing. Take some time to get back up, evaluate and process your emotional response, or the shock out of your system, re-engage and MOVE FORWARD.
“A strong person is not the one who doesn’t cry. A strong person is one who is quiet and sheds tears for a moment, and then picks up her sword and fights again.” Author Unknown
Author and speaker John Maxwell states, “I think sometimes people equate struggling with failure. It's not. In fact, if you're struggling, that tells me that you're still in the game! Let's fall forward. Let's advance maybe another yard in our progress of going towards something that may be a very difficult obstacle. You know, giving up means that I'm out of the game. I just want you to know that we, in this crisis, we're either giving up or we're getting up.”
You have what it takes….IT IS ALREADY IN YOU…you just need to tap into it, believe it and STEP UP into it. Think about it, some of the world’s greatest achievers weren’t necessarily more talented, they just never gave up when they got knocked down.
Let’s Get Back Up!
Evaluate: Know why you feel knocked down…it is important. It helps to put it into perspective so you can process it and take the necessary steps to move forward. Do you have healthy boundaries...are toxic people too close…was your timing off…was it not meant to be …or does it have nothing to do with you?
Value of the Lesson: When you invest in stock, you want to know the value of it today, its market performance and future value. Look at the value of the lessons, the mistakes, the timing, the people around you, what you can and cannot control and what can you do differently.
Take Time: I usually give myself 24 hours to lean into the hurt, pain or disappointment. I may not have a plan or a clue on what to do next, but I get up. Look in the mirror and speak positive words to the person looking back at you. Life happens… cry it out, yell it out, laugh out, get mad and get it out and then pick yourself up and say “tomorrow is another day.”
Look Back: When life throws you the curve ball, look back at all of your successes, triumphs and how you overcame. If you overcame challenges before, you could do it again. Use those past tools to help you today. Use your past as your cheerleader!
FLIP IT: What if this moment is meant to help you and not hurt you? A STOP sign keeps you from colliding with another car in a busy intersection; a YIELD sign says keep moving with caution…they are there to guide us safely to our destinations. Have you ever heard someone say how they went through a tough time, but they are glad it happened? They flipped the narrative to work for them not against them. This is part of the process, and the sooner you accept the reality and change the narrative… you can move forward.
Get Off The Merry-Go-Round: Don’t get caught up in the circle of negativity. Purge the emotions of negativity and don’t regurgitate them. Just like a merry-go-round, all you will do is go round and round. What’s happened has happened.
Give Yourself Grace: When life knocks you down, it’s normal to feel guilty, blame yourself or feel confused. Look for the treasures in the darkness or the silver lining. Think about all the people that have been in your situation and successfully made it through.
GET UP! Start thinking about your new options, new opportunities, redefine your goals, look for a new path. RISE UP, SHAKE IT OFF, GET MOVING and SMILE. You’ve got this!
Remember my courageous friend…you are not alone, and you are not a failure. YOU ARE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. Others have gone through similar situations or may be going through it now…you have great company all around you. When I went through the devastation of a divorce, at times I felt alone, but deep down inside I knew I was not alone. I knew statistically 40 – 45% of the world has or will go through the same thing as me. It helped me move forward and take my next steps and a much-needed deep breath.