How to Be the CEO of Your Life!


“If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” Jim Rohn

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When I first started using the phrase “be the CEO of your life” I used it when I would help women who were going through a divorce.  Actually, I said, “be the CEO of your divorce.”  I was encouraging them to not to pack up their divorce and hand it over to an attorney and a judge to decide their outcome. That statement made me reflect and think about if I was being the CEO of my life. We trust financial advisors, life coaches, physicians and other experts in their fields of expertise and there is nothing wrong with that. However, as we tap into and utilize their gifts and talents, we need to be engaged and put on our CEO hat. When was the last time you planned a vacation? How much time did you spend on the details, planning and saving your money? Do you do the same with your everyday life? As the CEO, you will!

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Tips from Business Leaders and CEOs!

Think outside the box / Spend time to weigh the pros and cons of decisions

Be open to change / Be transparent

Push yourself to improvise / Build your team carefully

Deliver on commitments / Ask for feedback

Think about your words and actions carefully / Be a good listener

Look for ways that work / Plan and prepare

As the CEO of your life, the only way to get different results is to do things differently and change your mindset.


What’s Your Vision as CEO? Just like a corporation needs a vision, strategic planning and decision-making abilities, you need the same for your life.   A clear vision as CEO not only determines how you act, but it also gives those actions meaning. Your vision can be how you show up for family and friends, show up professionally, show up in your community and show up in your space each day.


Take Inventory of the Different Departments.  Are there areas you would like to focus on?  Companies have departments like HR, Marketing, Finance, Risk, etc. You have departments within your Wheel of Life: Health, Relationships, Career, Wealth, Spirituality, Personal Growth, Fun/Leisure (add other categories).  How are you doing in those areas? 

Ask Yourself Some Questions.  From the viewpoint as CEO of your life, asking yourself these questions will provide you guidance as you manifest the CEO you want to be. What are my gifts and talents, and how are they evolving? What steps do I need to take to show up in my space as CEO of my life?  When will I take those steps?  Who can help me? Why is it important to me?  Who can I help? What is my “why?”


Do You Have A Routine? Routines help us build structure and keep us on track. What routines do you have in place? Do you wake up early? Do you have an exercise schedule? Do you set aside time for relationships each week? Do you find time for yourself to recharge your batteries? Are your routines benefiting you as the CEO?

What is Your Personal Culture? Companies have a culture which defines how it functions and how its employees will behave.  Your personal culture will encompass your personality, values, and beliefs. What are your core traits that define you? What are your values? What is your moral compass? What are your beliefs? Your culture will influence your everyday thinking, decisions and actions. You will then align yourself with others who have similar values or complimentary values.

CEOs of a company (large or small) will ask questions to get clarity on how the company is performing. You can ask yourself the same type of questions from the viewpoint as the CEO of your life.

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  • How are the financials of the company (your life)? 

  • Is the company (your life) on track with its goals or does it need to adjust or pivot?

  • Are we leading the company (your life) with integrity and honesty?

  • What is the performance overall of the company (your life)?

  • What is the culture of the company (your life)?

  • Are we (you) holding to the core values?

  • Is the company (your life) improving year after year? If not, why?


My Courageous Friend, YOU are the CEO of your life. You have been given a privilege that will last a lifetime!

As your life coach, let me ask you:

1. What does “be the CEO of your life” mean to you?

2. What does that look like to you?

3. One year from now, how does your life look as the CEO of your life?

Start with a blank canvas and start designing your life from the viewpoint of a CEO!


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