Upgrade Your Mindset


“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.” – Zig Ziglar


Mindset - the established set of attitudes held by someone

The year 2020 was the year to PIVOT and SHIFT.  The year 2020 also challenged our mindsets.  So here we are today, a year later.  What is your mindset like today?  Are you still open to shifting?  Do you want to get out of your comfort zone?  Do you want to UPGRADE your mindset? What if we change the wording from SHIFTING to UPGRADING?  What does that look like to you?

Let’s continue to challenge ourselves and UPGRADE our mindset with thoughts that direct us towards a positive direction, to hope, to believing in ourselves, to “YES I CAN.” Remember, most people will experience moments in life where their mindset leaves them feeling like giving up and forgetting they are STILL a work in progress.  UPGRADE your MINDSET!

One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible that has carried me through challenging times is Philippians 1:6 “being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. This scripture always reminds me that I shall not give up on myself. I choose to UPGRADE my MINDSET because I am still writing each page of my life, sentence by sentence, word by word.




WHAT DO YOU WANT? – First things first…What are one or two things you want this year?  Why do you want them?  How will you get there? What mindset do you need for this goal or vision?  These simple questions can keep you from getting or feeling stuck and UPGRADE your thoughts to what is possible.

CHANGE YOUR CONVERSATION – What are the conversations you are having with yourself…. whether out loud or in your head?  Do you say “I’m not good enough?”  “I am stupid.”  OR “I am accomplishing great and mighty things.”  “I am making a difference.”  “I see myself as the CEO of my own company.”  Your thoughts and words create your reality, and your UPGRADED mindset will push you forward to manifest the life you want to live.

KNOW YOUR WHY – You have seen me write on “know your why” for some time now.  I genuinely believe that you need to know your “WHY” to successfully UPGRADE your mindset. How will your “WHY” move you forward? “WHY” is this important to me?  Knowing your WHY is your compass….it will point you in the direction you want to go. The decisions you make and the questions you ponder will come from your WHY. Partner your “WHY” with your UPGRADED mindset!


TRICK YOUR BRAINAct from your UPGRADED mindset today.  What are your thoughts in this UPGRADED mindset?  Picture how it is working for you. You will trick your brain (it doesn’t know) into thinking it is happening NOW.  The more you do this, you will see the results of your UPGRADED mindset manifest in all areas of your life.

UPGRADE YOUR MINDSET – You probably saw this one coming.  Through all of the changes I have been through (and more to come) I have realized an UPGRADED MINDSET brings creativity, courage and confidence. If you put yourself in situations that challenge you, you have no other choice than to RISE to the occasion and UPGRADE your mindset. Look for ways during the day to operate from the perspective of a higher mindset.

UPGRADE your MINDSET to manifest the best version of  YOU…the COURAGEOUS YOU!

UPGRADE your MINDSET to manifest the best version of YOU…the COURAGEOUS YOU!


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